30 July 2011

Weekly dose of cuteness

Words of Wisdom


Watching Leon the other day inspired me to start my 'classic must watch movie list'. I'm such a loser, I actually wrote a list out years ago which consisted of 2 small pieces of scrap paper and I found one of them the other day when I was cleaning out my draws. Here's what was on it:

Seven Samurai
The Godfather
City of God
Its a Wonderful Life
Good Will Hunting
Forrest Gump (never finished it, started it about 3 times)
Spirited Away
Requiem For a Dream
The Departed
Die Hard
The Big Lebowski
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

 So I watched Blow last night, now I know what all the fuss was about! It really is a great movie, however, I found the end kind of unnecessarily sad. Also sad that George Jung's daughter still has not gone to see him. Boo hoo. But dayum I forgot how handsome Johnny Depp used to be!

Any other suggestions for my list??

29 July 2011


Yesterday around 10 am for some strange reason Spansh TV was playing Leon: The Professional. I switched it on just as it was starting & it is up there with some of my favourite movies. Its got all elements needed to make a movie loveable. Action, Comedy, Love (in a weird way) and amazing characters. Jean Reno (OH MAN, ABSOLUTE HERO), young Natalie Portman and super creeptastic Gary Oldman. I ball like a baby every time I watch it! To all who have not seen it- DO IT NOW.

Best part of the movie:

And I just randomly found this pic when I googled the movie. This was OBVS taken behind the scenes since they're trying to kill eachother throughout the movie. CUTE!

27 July 2011

Another reason to love Will Ferrell

If you know me at all you should know that I love anything Will Ferrell! A friend just sent me this... making him even more awesome. Anyway standing next to el capitán Iker just makes you three times as awesome just for that moment! Check this out, what a happy bunny.

25 July 2011

Infinity pools are the shit!

One day when I'm fortunate enough to buy myself a house I'm definitely finding one with one of these bad boys!

And this ridonkulous piece of work is on top of the Marina Bay Sands resort in Singapore. You know the three buildings with the boat looking thing balancing on top? Yeah that boat just happens to be an infinity pool. I am so checking that shit out before I die.



Cameron Diaz 1990, actually aged 17!
Sweetest ever.

Heart warming

Saw this picture and made me feel all fuzzy inside. Despite the fact these soldiers are feeding this little pup cereal and something bright pink instead of milk its kinda cute to see these guys all care so much! NAW. I am such a loser!


Beyonce for Complex Magazine August/September 2k11

Need I say it again!? GODDESS

HP 7.2

So Harry Potter The Deathly Hallows part 2 was HUGE. Was the best movie out of all 8. It really was an epic ending! Having read all the books I was pretty satisfied with it, unlike number 6 but enough of that. I really loved number 3 and 4 too (hello Sirius Black!!) So yes good finally beat evil, everyone ended up with the person they loved and all the kids were named after dead heroes, EXCELLENT STUFF. However, I think everyone was seriously proud of little old Neville Longbottom saving the day haha. It didn't seem as awesome in the book as it did in the movie. Maybe because he slayed Nagini in super slow mo. Anyway check out how our fav herbologist turned from podgy cutie to absolute hero!



22 July 2011


& Who remembers the cute milk cartons in that Blur video? Naawwww!!


Cutest app ever.

Whatever this app is called, its probably one of the best ones out there. Just adds mega amounts of cats onto your photo.
Oh and James Franco uses it.


I know I'm in Spain and errting enjoying the sun and all but I really just wanna hop on a plane and get off at some serene, untouched tropical paradise. Not too much to ask, right?

13 July 2011

Happy Birthday NAOMI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to my one and only sister Naomiiiii !!

She is my rock and everyday she hustlin' trying to make a change in something she believes in.We are all oh-so-very proud of her! & I am sad I'm not in London celebrating in big dawg ways with her today. 


Hope you have a magical birthday!

5 July 2011

BFFs 4 life

Prince William found his new best friend for life while in Canada this week. 

2 July 2011

Men (I wish were) in my life

I am so lame but I'm just being a sloppy slob today and I've just come back from the beach where I think I may have gotten sun stroke but these are a few I can think of!

8/13 of their names start with the letter J- weird.
Happy Saturday!